LETS Grow Free is a newly created, Australia wide, not-for-profit organisation.

LETS Grow Free is a "Community Exchange System" with a special focus on the wellbeing of community members who are struggling financially, physically and emotionally as a result of the pandemic years. 

Our primary goal is to  "make hay while the sun shines"   by building community self-reliance for what may be tough times ahead with possibly more pandemics, financial crashes and natural disasters.  
Our secondary goal is to create resourceful community groups that are alive with friendship and good will and where vulnerable members can receive the assistance they need.  "I help you, you help another and somebody else helps me." 

LETS Grow Free seeks to re-establish many of the old school ways of living used by our forebears.  Our Great-Grandparents were self-reliant and had strong local community trade and friendships that they could depend upon.  Our Great-Grandparents were not dependent on government financial assistance and successfully lived through the toughest of times including drought, famine, poverty, World War and the Depression.  We turn to our forebears methods and systems now to see what we can adopt and establish in our local communities.   Sometimes the old ways have much to teach us about modern living! 

Current themes we are exploring;

  • Self-Sufficiency by growing and preserving nutritional foods

  • Reduced cost of living through trading of goods/services without a dollar costing

  • Traditional/alternative health therapies including home remedies, food as medicine and toxin free living

  • Traditional human virtues/morals

    The History

    In August 2022, LETS Grow Free Australia was created by a small group of volunteers in the Hunter Valley, NSW.   The pandemic taught us that our lives can change very quickly.  We observed that supply chains for foods and other items  (we all remember the toilet paper drama) can be interrupted.  We observed that peoples income streams can easily be quashed such as when small businesses were unable to operate due to lock-downs.  We observed that people were doing it very tough financially and that generally people were afraid for the future and that mental health was in a steep decline.

    During the flooding disasters that occurred in and around Lismore in northern NSW,  we saw another example of how quickly peoples lives can change and that people can be left penniless and dependent on financial assistance from insurance companies (that sometimes  never paid up) or governments (that were  slow to respond).   We saw on our televisions that it was the community members themselves who were reaching out and assisting other community members in need.   It was from this that LETS Grow Free was born.  A community exchange where  "I help you,  you help another and somebody else helps me."   

    Our core group of volunteers went to work establishing the following for our LETS Grow Free communities;

1. Trade - assisting our members to grow free of financial hardship

  • We built a trading platform where goods and services can be accessed without a dollar costing.  This can be accessed both locally and Australia wide 
  • Markets held within communities for members to trade goods/services and to socialise, form bonds of friendship, find future trading buddies, learn new skills and have fun!
  • Public and Product Liability insurance for our members. This insurance is a usual requirement for stall holders at regular street fairs, markets etc.  Our LETS Grow Free members are now able to generate income for themselves by selling their goods and/or services at such events 

2. Wellbeing - assisting our members to grow free of  dis-ease and to live well

  • Access to Naturopaths, Psychotherapists and many other wellbeing/healing modalities without the need to spend traditional currency dollars
  • Health and wellbeing advice through Wellbeing Zoom sessions, and through our Wellbeing Channel/Library on Telegram.  Information and video guidance is filed under categories for ease of access and understanding
  • Access to low cost medicinals and health/wellbeing products 

3. Self-Sufficiency - assisting our members to grow in their self reliance

  • Opportunities to live in ways that lessen one's need to depend on government assistance and resources. Our community exchange system works in many wonderful ways to support our members to support each other  “I help you, you help another and somebody else helps me”
  • Sourcing and buying in bulk for our members, including two valuable books to assist them to grow in their self-sufficiency;
    “No Grid Survival- How to Produce Everything You need on Your Own Property”
    “The Long Lost Book of Herbal Remedies- The Healing Power of Plant Medicine"
  • Self-Sufficiency channel/library on Telegram.  Information and videos are filed under categories for ease of access and understanding
  • Group buying avenues to stock up on low cost pesticide free pantry goods, non-toxic household cleaners, personal care items etc

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